Friday, April 14, 2006

The Sun is Here!

Wow! With temperatures in the mid-60's for most of the week and 80 degrees on Friday it was time to put on some miles while wearing, I hope that you sitting down, shorts! Ahhhh!

On Tuesday The Boss, Darin, Russ and Sweet Baby Nate pulled me up and around the Holy Hill area for a scrorching 50 miles. The first fast, hilly ride of the season is always tough and there always seemed to be one of us fresh at the top of each climb so as to keep any letups to a minimum. Although windy, it was actually warm for the first time this year. For you readers from southern climes you will never understand what an absolute joy it is to ride for the first time in months in nothing but shorts and a short sleeved shirt. You might think that you do but believe me, unless you ride for 6 months of the year with 10 pounds of extra clothing on and still freeze, you don't. Hey, don't get me wrong, I'd much rather live in a warmer part of the world, it's just that we need to take our joy where we can get it. Warm wind over bare arms and legs, wondrous.

The rest of the week was spent fine tuning for the time trail that is scheduled for Saturday in Appleton, WI. A time trial is a race where each cyclist sets out alone, at one minute intervals. No pack riding, no drafting. Each man on his own. Contre la montre, the French call it - against the clock. I've never done a time trial so whatever fine tuning I did was essentially made up of a few easy spins to keep the legs fresh. Oh, I did put a set of old clip on time trial bars (see photo, below) on the front of my bike. At least it will look like I did something.

