Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Man With The Golden Son

In honor of the birth of a son to Elvis' very good cycling buddy Darin, I'm going to lead off this post with a movie review from said Darin;


Without giving much away about this movie because I think it is a must see for Bond lovers and people who crave action movies, here is my review;
This is not your Bond movie of past, and after seeing it I'm glad they moved away from a lot of the traditional corny aspects of the Bond films. The new actor, Daniel Craig, is a great Bond who plays the part more physical than past Bonds. I think he will appeal to all viewers and will draw in more women fans to the series. A quote from my wife after leaving the film, "He was yummy", and I will leave it at that. As for the three main Bond girls, all were up to the Bond girl standards and each had their defined beauty to them. My favorite was an actress named Caterina Murino, she had the smallest part (can you guess why?), but she was breathtaking (ok, smoking hot). The action was top notch along with a great story line about how Bond got his 00 status. There is more blood and graphic violence than in other film in the series. The villains were realistic with only minor quirks (no hairless cats, sorry). The movie run time was 2:24 and never had you wondering when it would end.

news1883Very sexiful!

You need to go into this movie with an open mind, let the movie play itself out, and by the end of the movie you will be asking yourself how you could of liked all the corny Roger Moore late 70's early 80's stuff. This movie is how the early Bond movies would of been made if they had the technology of today. And when the movie has ended make sure you stay in your seat throughout the credits, no there isn't any dumb out take at the very end of the credits so you'll stay and look who the "head grip" was, it is because you need to take in the Bond music, "why?" you ask, I'll just leave it at that.
My rating, 6.5 out of 7. (why seven? 007).


It would never occur to me to take one of these;

CIMG0862 - Version 2

And turn it into one of these;

kamket  1440 - Version 2

but Happy belated Thanksgiving! It's amazing what you run across when out riding your bike. If you're lucky, you can even see scenes like this;

CIMG0845 - Version 2Mile 9611. Cave Point.

Note the big waves. Those only happen on Lake Michigan when the wind is howling, which it was. To be a glass half-full guy I'll point out that it was a wonderfully quick ride home.

Thanks to a couple of (relatively) warm days I put in 214 miles this past week. Many of those miles came during the famous Milwaukee Thanksgiving Day Ride. About 35 people braved the weather (and scorn from their spouses who were slaving away in kitchens all over town) to take a leisurely ride along Lake Michigan. Thanks to Tom for putting it together every year.

2006 mileage as of today - 9,719.


I've been a bit remiss with postings lately and I promise to remedy that. Here are a couple of upcoming articles;

Tom Simpson - Hero or Creep (There is a memorial to him on Mt. Ventoux where he died while racing in the Tour de France. Autopsy revealed drugs in his system.)

Why I Love Cycling (and, Can I Ever Be Happy Off The Bike?)

The Shrinking Gender Gap - Are Men Better or Are Women Worse?

Picking a Camera to Take Along on Bike Rides (The great shots that you've come to enjoy here at ElvisKennedy.com aren't always easy - we'll show you how)

Full Review of the Colnago C-50

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - We Review Three Chain Lubes


Darin, congratulations on the new baby! Everyone here at ElvisKennedy.com wishes you and your family the very best. If you haven't yet filled out the birth certificate there's still time to officially name your baby Elvis. Think about it. Name one Elvis who hasn't been successful. You can't, can you?
