Thursday, July 05, 2007

Do Ya Wanna Dance?

Yikes! Only two days remain before I begin, for the third year,
Elvis' 50% of the Miles - 100% of the Effort Tour de France Challenge. For new friends of Elvis Kennedy; the Challenge is to ride one-half of the miles that the Tour riders do, each and every day of the Tour de France. This may sound easy but there is a reason "100% of the Effort" is in the title. Logging big miles day after day, usually solo, is a big drain on physical, mental and psychological reserves. But it's fun! Here is the mileage chart for this year's Challenge;

2007 TDF Challenge2j.001

The chart is also posted under a tab to the left and will be updated daily. You can check on Elvis' progress every day for the three weeks that make up the Tour. I'll also be posting an entry each day too. So check back often.

Why does Elvis do this? Three reasons; One, as a celebration of Summer. What better way to get yourself out-of-doors for a couple of hours each day during our short Summer? Two, I love riding a bike. It's a freedom thing. But most importantly and more pointedly, as I get older I try to convince myself that age doesn't matter; you're either living or your not. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate life than by getting on a bike and pushing your mind and body to places that they rarely go. By stage nine, when your head aches, your motivation is non-exsistent and your legs are crying for mercy - you know that you're alive. Dead legs wouldn't hurt so much! Every stage has a highlight and every ride has a moment of beauty. I'll do my best to share it all with you.


I recently purchased the book, From Lance to Landis by David Walsh (see link at left). Here is what the jacket claims about the book; "David Walsh gives an explosive account of the shadow side of professional sports. In this electrifying, controversial and scrupulously documented expose, Walsh explores the many facets of the cyclist doping scandals". Sounds fun, doesn't it? I'll be providing some excerpts and an overall review of the book within the daily postings.


If any of you dear readers would like to join Elvis for one or more of the stages please let me know by sending an email by clicking on the "Email" link at the bottom of every page or by clicking on the "Contact" tab on the column to the left. I'd love the company. And if you plan on doing the Challenge yourself - keep me posted as to how you're doing and what your experiences are. I'm sure the readers would like to hear about it.
