Monday, July 04, 2005

Lost Among the Barbies in West Bend

Family commitments in the early part of the day (4th of July Parade, BBQ), and in the evening (another BBQ, fireworks) left me only a few hours mid day for a ride.

I hoped that the morning rain would clear but it didn't so I set out for a 50-miler in a mix of light rain and drizzle.

As miserable as riding in the rain sounds, once you're all wet it just doesn't matter. As long as you don't get cold and you are careful cornering on the wet pavement you adjust your mindset to the conditions and off you go.

Today's route took me north. I entered the West Bend area from the northeast and immediately got lost. I seemed to ride in circles until I finally came out on the busiest intersection (Hwy 33 & Hwy 45). The traffic was heavy and the holiday drivers were all in a hurry.

After a nervous 10 minutes trying to get my bearings I managed to find a quiet southbound road and headed home.

I know that you are thinking that some pretty girls (Barbies) provided today's beauty, but it was actually the Austrailian Barbies (BBQ grills) that did. During my time lost in West Bend the wonderful smells of BBQ'd chicken, beef and brats drifted about and reminded me what a wonderful time Summer can be. Even if it's raining.

I needed 65 miles today but only rode 50. Since I banked a few the last two days I'm still slightly ahead.

Equipment note: I've been using Pedro's Extra Dry Chain Lube mostly because I got a free bottle somewhere. It collects dirt like crazy and is useless in the rain. I need to find a good chain lube. Any suggestions?

And I don't care if it's 'bio' safe or not. Only arrogant human beings would be so bold as to suggest that anything that they do would actually measurably affect this planet's environment.

To wit: global warming scare.

The Earth has always cycled between periods or moderately warmer to periods of moderately cooler. Humans didn't even exist for most of the cycles.

Where did the audacity come from that somehow we puny humans could actually change the Earth's patterns? There's stuff going on deep inside this planet that no one even understands. How is it then, that a USA Today/CNN/NY Times scientist can assure us that using aerosol Right Guard will doom the Earth?

Who caused the last Ice Age? If human society was then like it is now I can assure you that the NY Times would be headlining how the cold weather was YOUR FAULT!

I suppose the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption is somehow related to the time in the late 60's when I tossed that pop can into the lake.

I'm not saying we should litter and care nothing about noxious emmisions, I'm just saying that there is very little real science to suggest that anything that human beings do will have any lasting effect on this planet. So stop worrying.

And don't send me any Greenpeace -type crap info or links. They want your (and my) money and the global warming hysteria is just the latest way for their types to play on our fears to increase contributions.

Happy Fourth of July!


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