Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pedals & Cleats

Take a look at the instructions and all of the pieces that make up a Speedplay pedal system;


I have one word for that. Yikes!

After trying to understand the verbose instructions filled with sentences like; "The minimum compatible shoe radius is 160mm and will use the factory-installed set of two gray 1-F and 2 gray 1-R snap shims", and, "The extra shim must be installed under the appropriate rear mounting screw to raise the lower side of the base plate and make it flat", I almost gave up in frustration. I mean what with, "the extra shim must be installed" and "raise the lower side", who wouldn't be confused?

The Look system I had been using for 15 years is made up of a simple pedal, a simple cleat and three screws per foot. Completely obvious to the casual observer. No piles of shims, spacers, springs, screws and bolts.

As I sat in a state of complete irritation I began looking at the pedal. Then to the shoe. Then to the pile of stuff. Back and forth a few times. Suddenly, what the instructions had turned into complete confusion became quite obvious. Amazing what a little looking around can do.

Ten minutes later I had the stuff installed and was tooling around the driveway in the darkness to get a feel for the new pedal/cleat set up.
