Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Seeking Shelter From the Storm

During last evenings group ride Darin, Russ, Buster and I discussed adding some structure to the rides. Things like proper warm-up, defined goals, recovery periods and cool-downs. We all agreed that we most definitely should add more structure. Then we proceeded to hurt each other for two hours.

So tonight I decided to put in a two hour recovery ride, maintaining an average speed of less than 16.5 mph. Recovery rides in Wisconsin this time of the year are tough because it's usually windy. Not just breezy. We're talking leaning-into-the-wind-to-maintain-balance windy. And wind means that only 25% of any given ride can be easy pedaling (25% directly into the wind, 50% in a cross wind and 25% tail wind). So while you can have a lower than average speed, your work load is still high.

Tonight was different. It was only breezy. So off I headed in no particular direction. One and a half hours into the ride I notice that it's turned decidedly cooler and the wind was picking up. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the black storm clouds rolling in. Uh, oh. Time to head home.

At first it looked as though I would arrive home before the storm. But the overly large and intermittent rain drops were foreshadowing a far more bitter truth.

So down into the handlebar drops, pressure on the pedals and a fond adieu to the recovery ride. Nothing like steady lightning and booming thunder to get your adrenaline and leg speed up. Every now and then the crackle of the lightning was too close for comfort. Inch the body even lower into the wind and add more power to each stroke hoping against hope to avoid a nasty conclusion to the ride. And add one more item to the long list of justifications for buying the new bike; it's all carbon fiber. Lightning loves steel and aluminum but hates carbon fiber. I was less of an attraction on the new bike.

I rolled into the garage just as the wind and rain turned really ugly. Fifteen minutes later the setting sun momentarily exploded into view as it fell below the clouds, the sky turned orange and I took this picture;


And then I proceeded to wash off the bike for the fifteenth time this month. It really needs to stop raining.
