Monday, May 01, 2006

Still Not Done

Jeepers! Life sure has a way of interfering with getting this bike put together.

Spent most of Saturday racing (or rather, just going around in circles behind a race, but more on that in the next post), then a birthday party, then it rained all day Sunday, bla, bla, bla.

Last night was the first time I was able to get at it all week-end. I set up and adjusted; cables and cable covers to correct lengths, chain, front brake, rear brake, front derailleur, rear derailleur and brake/shifter levers. Also put the bottle cages on. Here are some photos;

brakeadj Adjusting the rear brake

rearder Adjusting the rear derailleur

bike1 Current status

Next I'll ride it on the rollers to dial in just where the brake hoods need to be for maximum comfort and power. Fiddle with the seat height and set back, put some handlebar tape on and go riding!

Here are two of the reasons I didn't spend much time on the bike this week-end;

ljkljre3 Daughter Lauren and Granddaughter Lily

Ain't life sweet?
