Friday, June 02, 2006

Hot Chick Running

Peggy B. (lovely bride of Elvis' cycling buddy Russ) kicked some butt recently at the Lake Geneva Half-Marathon. With a splendid time of 1:57:50 she came in 4th out of 31 in her category, 41st out of 205 women and 134th out of almost 400 total racers. And all of that on a rainy, crappy day, too.


Peggy spent many months training for this race and is taking a few well-deserved days off for rest. For those of you who don't know, a half-marathon is 13.1 miles of leg pounding, knee grinding, mind numbing pain. Anyone who can complete one, and in a fast time too, gets top dog kudos from

And check this out; she had her very own fan club, Team Peggy;


With Peggy is her manly stud, Russ, and their descendants Noah, Olivia and Jake. Or is that Jake, Olivia and Noah? I get so confused. And who wouldn't, they're triplets.

Hey Peggy! Is that an iPod that you're sporting? Then surely you were listening to the Elvis Kennedy Podcast. What a great way to make a half-marathon seem almost easy!

From everyone at; Congratulations Peggy! You're the bomb!
