Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stage 12 - Cheeseville

Today's route was a new one. I went through a town called Cheeseville that I didn't even know existed. The town consisted of two taverns and St. Martin's church.

I know what you're thinking, "I didn't know that there was a St. Martin". Neither did I. But I do know that there is a lovely island in the Dutch Antilles with a similar name, St. Maartin. Anyway, St. Martin is/was the patron saint against poverty and alcoholism. Funny then, that there was only one church, but two taverns. I suppose everyone in town is on welfare.

From there I headed east until I hit the Ozaukee Interurban Trail. I can highly recommend this trail if you live nearby. Today however, it appeared that the County had just mowed the four feet on either side of the paved trail and for some silly reason the person mowing aimed the blower inward. That left the trail full of grass, weeds, branches and the rest of mowing's flotsam and jetsam. At least I had the wind at my back as I bobbed and weaved my way to Port Washington and then home.

The sky looked ominous and during the ride I watched as the puffy fair weather cumulus clouds exploded into impressive cumulonimbus storm clouds. There must have been an inversion of the cap along the dry-line though, because the upper level mesocyclone winds clearly lost steam as the potential energy of the storm dissipated.

OK, that last line was a bunch of crap. But it was an impressive line from the movie Twister that I've always wanted to use.

It was sunny, hot and windy when I ventured out and I felt pretty slimy as I had slathered Snorkel Bob sunscreen over the exposed parts and Udderly Smooth saddle sore ointment over the naughty parts.

I'm hopeful that I've got the saddle sores under control. Or at least stopped them from getting worse. I wash the crotch with an antibacterial soap and then apply antifungal cream three times a day. I don't mean to offend your sensibilities but there's no way to make this situation pretty. I wonder if this is how Lance discovered that he had testicular cancer? There really isn't any other reason to spend this much time down there.

How's this for a beautiful moment? I'm taking a leak by the side of the road when a car I hadn't noticed passes by. It's an unmarked sheriff's car and about 100 yards down the road he turns around. Sensing that I'm about to get busted for public urination I hop on the bike, race to the corner, make a sharp right behind the treeline, hop off the bike, shoulder the bike and run eight rows deep into the cornfield. The cop seemed confused as he drove by, probably impressed with what he surmised to be my impressive speed. Whew!

Miles needed today: 58. Miles ridden today: 56. I'm still ahead by almost 90 miles.


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